Sunday, December 13, 2009

Blood Wedding Journal #3

Themes and Ideas

It seems to me that through Blood Wedding, Lorca is trying to express his belief that true love does not last. Even if it exists for a little while, eventually one of the people in the relationship will find someone else and move on to them. In the book, we see this idea clearly through Bride, Bridegroom, Leonardo, and Wife. Bride and Bridegroom are getting married, and Leonardo and Wife are already married; however, at her own wedding, Bride runs away with Leonardo because she still has feelings for him (as he still loves her). We see Leonardo's feelings for Bride when he says: "To keep still while we're on fire is the worst punishment we can inflict on ourselves. What good did it do me to have pride? - and not see you? - and leave you lying awake, night after night? No good at all!" (Lorca 47). In their action of running away, Bride and Leonardo break up two marriages, therefore causing Bridegroom and Wife to see that their ex lovers no longer love them. This theme is also confirmed through Lorca's own personal life that influenced the writing of this play. In 1928, Lorca became involved with Emilio Aladren, a young sculptor. A year later, Emilio left Lorca and became involved with a woman who he would eventually marry. This event caused Lorca to fall into a depression, and it makes sense that his personal life experiences would bleed into his writing, therefore portraying the same belief about temporary love that he went through himself.

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