Monday, November 30, 2009

Oedipus Journal #2

A letter from Creon to Oedipus:

Dear Oedipus,

I'm writing to you as an attempt to persuade you to think about the current situation in a more sensible way. You have strongly accused me of being involved in an intricate plot to overthrow you from your position as king. Since Tiresias hinted that you are the one responsible for Laius' murder, and I was the one who sent for Tiresias, you seem to believe that I have created a conspiracy against you by framing you as his murderer. In your assumptions, you have concluded that I have created this scheme so that I may gain more power of my own. However, I ask that you stop pointing your finger at me and listen to the truth. Why would I desire more power than what I currently possess? You and I rule the land of Thebes with equal power, so why would I need to overthrow you at all? We rule with the same amount of authority, and I do not desire the full kingship simply because of the many extra duties there are to perform. Besides, the people of Thebes adore you as their ruler, and I do not have the ability to step into such a role. Oedipus, I am your friend, and I cannot fathom why you have so suddenly turned against me. If your problem is with Tiresias' vision, then take up your argument with him. Perhaps you heard him incorrectly and jumped to unfair accusations as a means of defending your honor. This scheme of mine exists solely in your mind, and it is an insane accusation for one to make against his own friend. I ask you to reconsider what has happened; maybe after some time to think you will have come to your senses and snapped out of this moment of insanity. But for me, all I ask from you is that you let me reign peacefully alongside you, and spare me the banishment or execution reserved for a man who is truly guilty.

Sincerely, Your friend and kinsman,

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