Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Journal #2

Dianaism :)
  • One God created the universe and continues to rule it. (This principle developed from my religous views and natural evidence found in the vast world around us. It is important to realize the world was not created by accident, but with purpose.)
  • God has personal relationships with individuals and gives them freedom to make choices. (Developed from my religious views. Important because a relationship with God gives life meaning and shows life is bigger than an individaul person.)
  • An individual's choices make them who they are. (I've seen this through experience - your actions define your character. Important because it promotes mentality of creating one's self instead of trying to "find" one's self.)
  • Progress is essential to human satisfaction. (Since a young age, I've always been taught to try my best. A person cannot be happy in life if they constantly stay at the same level and never improve. Realizing this avoids later unhappiness with one's self.)
  • Material things cannot bring happiness. (Developed from values taught by parents, and religous views. Counting on material possesions to bring happiness to an individual only causes emptiness as they realize their satisfaction cannot be fulfilled through these things.)
  • Purpose of life can be realized through relationship with God. (Religous views. Although an individual will likely not be 100% sure of the purpose set for their life, by putting faith in God and trusting Him, their meaning will become more clear).
  • Relationships with others provide happiness. (Values instilled by family. A selfish person cannot be completely happy. However, by helping other people and creating relationships with them, a person is brought satisfaction. )
  • Humans are in no way machines. (I've learned this through experiences in life. Humans have emotions, feel pain, and have the ability to love. We were made with the freedom of making our own choices, unlike robots which are created fully programmed and have no sense of decision making.)

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